Movie Review The Finest Hours By 22593
"The Finest Hours" is a 2016 American action thriller film directed by Craig Gillespie and produced by Walt Disney Pictures. The movie is based on the true story of the greatest small-boat rescue in Coast Guard history that took place in 1952. The plot follows Bernie Webber, a Coast Guard crewman, who embarks on a daring rescue mission during a severe winter storm to save the crew of the SS Pendleton, an oil tanker that had split in half. Despite the treacherous conditions and overwhelming odds, Bernie and his crew display immense courage and determination as they navigate the dangerous waters to reach the survivors. The film captures the essence of heroism, sacrifice, and the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity, making it an inspiring and thrilling tale of rescue and survival.
The movie also explores the theme of faith, as the crew of the tanker is seen praying together in the midst of their troubles. Bernie Webber, the leader of the Coast Guard crew, was the son of a Baptist minister and had a strong faith that guided him through the rescue mission. The movie illustrates the power of courage, hope, and sacrifice, inspiring viewers to rise to the occasion when duty calls.
Overall, "The Finest Hours" is an inspiring and thrilling tale of rescue and survival that highlights the heroism and bravery of the Coast Guard crew. It is a movie that showcases the strength of the human spirit and the importance of trusting one's instincts and doing what is right, even in the face of overwhelming situations.
One of the most inspired scenes in the movie "The Finest Hours" is when Bernie Webber and his crew set out in a small lifeboat to rescue the stranded crew of the SS Pendleton during a violent storm. Despite the overwhelming situation and dangerous conditions, the courage, determination, strong will and selflessness displayed by Bernie and his team as they navigate through the dangerous stormy waves pf the ocean to reach the distressed tanker crew is truly inspiring. This scene inspires the essence of heroism, sacrifice, and the unwavering commitment to saving lives, making it a highlighter moment that showcases the resilience and bravery of the characters in the face of extreme adversity.
- As per my perspective this movie is the best movie to watch as per my career background .
- I have experienced the qualities while dealing such situation and understand the what can be the situation and there consequences
- while watching movie it feels that i am there in the movie and experiencing the same situation.
- it teach me that how i can deal with this type of situations while being calm and compose.
- it really opened my eyes toward the vast and beautiful ocean with the deep and dark side of it which really helped me to look forward the way i used to see it and made me more compatible person for this field .
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